What is the purpose of the COOperation For HEAlth 2 project?

The COOperation For HEAlth 2 project has as its main purpose to contribute to the main priorities of the territorial cooperation program Cooperation Program INTERREG V-A Greece-Italy 2014-2020. The main objective of the project is to strengthen cross-border networking, seeking to present innovative applications in response to the difficulties that have arisen for hospital units due to the pandemic, but also to build a stable and permanent collaboration between the health systems of the regions of Apulia, the Ionian Islands , Epirus, and Western Greece. This strategic vision places the health service user at the center of an innovative technology integration process.

Through the Web collaboration platform, users (e.g., employees of the project partners, the relevant hospital units, and the involved scientific staff, etc.) are provided with the possibility of registering and accessing scientific studies and good practices with the aim of optimal cooperation and transfer of know-how between the collaborating partners in the project. At the same time, the creation of a repository of documents in thematic sections related to the project and the publication of its results are foreseen.

User access is authorized. The website management system supports the ability to define the access details of the authorized users, such as the unique user code (user ID) and the password with numbers, characters, and special characters. The codes will be created according to the security policy. There are 2 options: to register as a normal user and as a healthcare professional; You can choose any category according to your specialty.